Preventing hold-request slip printing
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Desired Outcome Goal:
Prevent printing of hold-request slip, that is, use the "no-print" option for the hold request slip. {The hold request slip is generated when an item is ready to go on the hold shelf (most of the time when it has been trapped during return).}
Type “NO-PRINT” in print.ini, column 6.2. {Column 6.2 is reserved for the Device ID of the item slip printout and column 6.1 is for the Device ID of the patron (letter) printout.}
Additional Information
In circ\tab\print.ini
HoldLetter01 00 N P holdltr.prn [LETTER] [SLIP]
ReturnHold01 00 N P rethold.prn [LETTER] [SLIP]
If both lines exist, then ReturnHold controls printing/emailing behavior upon item return when it is on hold.
The created files \circ\files\xxx50\print\holdltr.prn respectively \circ\files\xxx50\print\rethold.prn contain both printouts (the letter and the slip).
See also Article 000021793 ("How to Print Hold Slip and Email Hold Letter").
Category: Circulation (500)
Subject: Hold requests (500)
- Article last edited: 12/19/2013