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    Principles for specifying file_list_type -- when library is more than one type

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20


    What should be specified as the $data_root/prof_library file_list_type -- especially when a library is more than one type?


    In the case where the library is only one type, these values are used:

    bib library: BIB
    holdings: HOL
    authority: AUT
    course: COURSE
    ILL: ILL
    VIR01: VIR
    pw_library PW If the library is the pw_library only, specify "PW".
    usr_library USR If the library is the usr_library only, specify "USR".
    ADM library: ADM If the library is an ADM library only, specify "ADM".

    When a library is more than one type, use the following principles:

    1. If the library is the pw_library *and* the usr_library but *not* an ADM,specify "NONE".

    2. If the library is the pw_library *and* the usr_library *and* an ADM library, specify "ADM".

    Category: System Management (500)

    • Article last edited: 5/29/2014