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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Problem with flipping of AUT terms

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 15.2

    One of our cataloging departments has used a second 100 field in their AUT records to put in a non-Roman script term (instead of the standard practice of putting it into a 400 or having a separate AUT record altogether).

    And it's been okay, until last week we discovered a handful of terms that have AUT records with duplicate 100 fields where the Latin term in the bib flipped to the Hebrew term when the Hebrew term was added to the AUT record in a second 100 field.

    We can't seem to discern a pattern. Do you have theories on this?

    Any number of things can prevent headings from flipping. The UPD tag in the authority record, the heading use codes in the 008 tag of the authority record, and any number of other factors. If there are specific headings that should have flipped but didn't, let me know and I will help you track down the source.

    It sounds like the real problem here is the opposite. Headings flipped that shouldn't have. The important thing to keep in mind is that if you code the non-Roman form of the heading as the preferred form (that is, as a 1XX), then you have to be prepared for headings to flip to this form. That is the purpose of indicating the preferred form. I don't know if the site that has this problem is looking for a way of undoing the flip. I think the most effective way will be to use global change service. This will be useful if the same heading flipped on many bibs. Otherwise, the correction will have to be managed manually.

    Just an aside here. Multiple 1XX tags in a single record is definitely an anomaly. And which one is actually seen as the preferred form by ALEPH is pretty arbitrary. I think it depends on the order in which they appear in the GEN index in the xxx10 library. If this library wants to used multiple 1XX's, but don't want to use these records for automatic correction, then they should be sure to add a UPD tag with a subfield $$a value of 'N'.


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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