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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Problem with renewed items with recall method 2: incorrect due-date-before-recall

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    We have been asked to add the previous due date to the recall notices so we can tell the borrower when the regular fines (as opposed to the recall fine) will kick in. We have a problem with renewed items.

    The loan-recall-1-01 uses the original-due-date - this isn't correct for method 2:

    ! "2": Let renewals update the z36_due_date. Do not actually update the
    ! z36_due_date to the recall-due-date. But, if the latter is earlier
    ! than the z36_due_date, use the latter as the "effective due date".
    ! Leave the z36_original_due_date as the actual, original due date.
    ! (Do not let renewals update it).

    According to method 2, the place to find the "renewed" due date is z36_due_date. However, all I see in z36_due_date is the recalled date. It is not supposed to do that, according to method 2's definition.

    See supporting attachments. In this example, the renewed due date is October 28... Nowhere to be found in the output to the recall notice.

    [From site (Jane Aitkens at McGill U:]

    We removed the z36-due-date DUE-DATE line in form_eng's global.trn, and the due date pre recall is now available, on the printouts and also on the gui screens, oddly enough. Once this trn is turned off, the due date remains as the last due date before recalls.

    We then added a z36-due-date DATE line to get the date formatted properly...

    z36-status with due-date-format 1 is now the only 'field' that shows the effective due date. Because the z36-effective-due-date field isn't used, we will rely on this z36-status to show the effective due date on the recall letters.

    So, we switched back to due-date-format 1 for the pc-server, and I added the Z36-status on the gui-screens (item-loan, user-loan, etc.), so the staff can see the effective due date in the lower panels and nav screens.

    You can see this on my adjustment to the gui screen, attached.

    The ./error_eng/loan_status_heading hast the following three lines:

    0004 0000 L Recalled.
    0006 0000 L Requested
    0008 0000 L Due on $1

    -- which we have left as is.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013