- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 19.01
We are thinking of changing the switch for LATE-RET-FINE-WHEN-LOST from N to Y, so that the overdues are charged when the item is charged to lost.
We have been testing this on our test server, and realize there is a problem for items that were set to lost before the switch. They were not charged their overdues and now with the switch set to yes, if the item is returned, they won't be charged the overdues then.
The count of currenly lost items:
select count(*) from z36 where Z36_status = 'L';
Any thoughts about how to handle these pre-switch lost items? Maybe there would be a way to trigger their overdue fines before we make the switch?
We might change the program to check if there's a z31 type 0003 (overdue fine) for this loan, and, if not, then create the overdue fine, since in most cases this would indicate that the item was set to Lost before the switch to LATE-RET-FINE-WHEN-LOST=Y occurred.
But, if we do this, there would be an ongoing problem with cases occurring after the LATE-RET-FINE-WHEN-LOST=Y is set, where the item is declared Lost *before* it becomes overdue. (In that case the program would create the overdue fine for the item when it is returned when it may not be appropriate.)
Ex Libris is analyzing this. If the above issues are a concern for you, we suggest that, in the meantime, you not use LATE-RET-FINE-WHEN-LOST=Y.
This issue is still open and was escalated to Development for further investigation <2010-04-25 01:00:04>.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013