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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Producing overdue notice the same day item becomes overdue

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    For hourly loans, several libraries want the first overdue to print the next day. The value in tab32/column5 is greater than not equal to. How can we set up this table to get overdues to print the next day?

    For example, the overdue on my record (29999000742973) for item 31716003066861 due yesterday at 2:50PM.

    Tab 32 for sublibrary ABCDE is:

    ABCDE ## ## 00 001 000 O
    ABCDE ## ## 01 007 000 L

    Would a value of 000 in column 5 work?

    We found that setting tab32 column 5 {Number of days since due-date (or, last overdue letter)} to "000" *did* result in an overdue being produced that night.

    Note: You need to be sure in this scenario that your overdues job runs *after* midnight. (If the job runs before midnight, then items due that day will not have an overdue notice produced, even if column 5 is "000".)

    "001" in col. 5 indicates that an overdue notice will be produced one day after the item becomes overdue. If an item was due yesterday, it is overdue today, and it will have a notice produced tomorrow (-- or in the next overdue run.)

    Additional Information

    overdue notices

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013