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    RMAN: "WARNING: nn objects could not be deleted ..." and backup takes too long

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    Problem Symptoms:
    Running the Ex Libris Backup Package ora_cold procedure (in /exlibris/backup/scripts/exec_backup_main), the backup seems to be successful, but takes extremely long (6 hours for a 300,000-bib-record database).

    The /exlibris/backup/logs/ora_cold_a1_Detail_nnnnnn_nnnn.log shows:

    ora_cold_a1_Detail_140130_2048.log:Deleted 10 objects
    ora_cold_a1_Detail_140130_2048.log:RMAN-06207: WARNING: 16 objects could not be deleted for DISK channel(s) due
    ora_cold_a1_Detail_140130_2048.log:RMAN-06210: List of Mismatched objects

    It's unclear just how these objects which could not be deleted differ from those which were deleted.

    In most cases the hot or cold backup taking so much longer than it should is due to the presence of a large number of Oracle archive log files in the /arch directory. The "could not be deleted" messages confirm this in this case.

    If it's clear that the cold backup was successful (or if there's another cold backup which could be used, for instance, a successful Oracle Data Pump backup -- see the article " Refreshing Test server data Using Oracle Data Pump " --), do the following:

    * (temporarily) turn off archiving (util o/7/2)**.
    * rename the /arch directory to /arch.old
    * do "mkdir arch" to recreate it (empty)
    * do util o/7/1** to restart archiving

    ** Note:  The util_o_07_02 and util_o_07_01 procedures both stop and restart Aleph.  They should be run only when the system is not in use.


    Additional Information

    1. The $aleph_proc/util_o_07_02 file has the following lines:
    alter system switch logfile;
    alter database noarchivelog;

    and the $aleph_proc/util_o_07_01, these lines:

    alter system switch logfile;
    alter database archivelog;

    2. The following RMAN commands may be of use:

    ? delete archivelog all
    ? crosscheck archivelog all
    ? delete expired archivelog all

    • Article last edited: 5/16/2014