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    Recall overdue amount not being added to overdue fines.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Recall overdue amount not being added to to overdue fines.

    The recall overdue fine for both rush and regular recall is $10.00, the normal overdue fine is $0.30 per day.

    Rush recall: Item 31-10, due 08 Feb 2011.
    Regular recall: Item 122-20, due today 21 Feb 2011.

    You can also have a look at items 129-10 and 129-20.

    When patrons have recalled items passed the recall due date the patron is charged the overdue fine calculated according to tab16, but they are not additionally charged the actual amount for an overdue recalled item from tab18.eng"

    According to the setting in tab100 for 'OVERDUE-RECALL-RATIO' the value 'B' should add the actual amount for overdue recalls to the calculated amount in tab16.eng:

    !# Values:Y N B Default: Y
    !# Type: Text; Max Length: 01
    !# tab100 of library: Yes; tab100_<server_type>: No.
    ! This switch defines whether lines 0050-0055 in tab18.lng
    ! (fines relating to recalled items) are to be treated as
    ! a ratio or as an actual amount
    ! Y or blank = lines are ratio
    ! N = lines are actual amount
    ! B = Both - lines are actual amount but they are added to tab16 amount

    Although in the System Librarians Guide says this:

    0050-0055 - ratio, actual amount or additional daily amount charged for
    late return of recalled/rush recalled loan. The parameter OVERDUERECALL-
    RATIO in tab100 defines whether the number is a ratio, a set
    amount or a daily amount added to the fine as calculated in tab16.

    It also says this:

    General note: Note that the possibility to calculate a fine will depend on the
    existence of the loan history (Z36H), which will be used to locate the exact cash
    transactions related to the return.

    ...which made me think that the item had to be checked in in order for the tab18.eng amount to be added to the fine from tab16. But when using util f/2/10 to calculate the amount with a return date (please see example below) the amount is still not correct.

    Here are some example patron and item records that the customer gives:

    Patron = ID98
    Undergrad Granger CAV
    patron status =17

    Item = 31-10
    Test Bib record 7
    item status = 01

    From util f/2/10 we can see that the fine from tab16 settings is calculated correctly, but the 10.00 added in tab18.eng for overdue recalls is not added to this amount:

    Enter item barcode (Q to stop) : 31-10
    Load: /exlibris/aleph/u20_1/alephe/tab/tab100
    Load: /exlibris/aleph/u20_1/abc50/tab/tab100
    Enter bor ID (Q to stop) : ID98
    Load: /tmp/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/u20_1/alephe/tab/tab_sub_library.eng
    Enter bor status
    (Q to stop) : 17
    Z36-BOR-STATUS: 17
    Z36-ITEM-STATUS: 01
    Load: /exlibris/aleph/u20_1/abc50/tab/tab16
    TAB16: UABC1 01 ## 17 + 00000014 00 A 2350 0000 00030 006 002 7 + 00000014 A 2350 004 007 01 D007 9999999999 0000000001 0000000000 000 1 01
    Enter due date (yyyymmdd or Q to stop) : 20110208
    Enter due hour (hhmm or Q to stop) : 1630
    Load: /exlibris/aleph/u20_1/abc50/tab/tab17
    Enter return date (yyyymmdd or Q to stop) : 20110307
    Enter return hour (hhmm or Q to stop) : 0900
    Enter recall due date
    (yyyymmdd or Q to stop): 20110224
    Enter recall type
    : 02
    Load: /tmp/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/u20_1/abc50/tab/tab18.eng
    Fine is: 9.10

    Also in the GUI client it is displaying only the $9.10 amount and not the expected $19.10 amount.

    According to tab16, the patron should be charged $0.30 per day and the amount calculated according to tab16 should be $9.10, but the customer wnats the $10.00 overdue recall fee from tab18.eng to be added to this amount for a total of $19.10.

    Here are the settings in tab16, tab18.eng, and tab100:

    UABC1 01 ## 17 + 00000014 00 A 2350 0000 00030 006 002 7 + 00000014 A 2350 004 007 01 D007 9999999999 0000000001 0000000000 000 1 01

    0050 ##### ## ## Y 10.00 Recall late return fine
    0051 ##### ## ## Y 10.00 Rush Recall late return fine
    0052 ##### ## ## N Recall max fine ratio
    0053 ##### ## ## N Rush Recall max fine ratio
    0054 ##### ## ## N Lost letter charge for recall
    0055 ##### ## ## N Lost letter charge for rush recall


    The abc50 tab18.eng has this line:

    0052 ##### ## ## N Recall max fine ratio

    The usm50 tab18.eng has a value for 0052:

    0052 ##### ## ## Y 4.00 Recall max fine ratio
    0053 ##### ## ## Y 8.00 Rush recall max fine ratio

    The effect of setting 0052 to "N" is that the max is considered to be zero.

    Please change it to this:

    0052 ##### ## ## Y 10.00 Recall max fine ratio
    0053 ##### ## ## Y 10.00 Rush recall max fine ratio

    And make sure that the tab16, column 14, Fine-method, is one of the methods that includes recall.

    Then either use util f/2/10 to test or restart the pc_server and use the GUI to test.

    See also, KB 8192-4556.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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