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    Recalled Items display as "On Shelf" after SP's 20.2, 2-6

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We recently installed service packs 20.2, 2-6 and are in the process of testing on our staging server, and plan to move to production at the end of the month.

    Unfortunately, we have found that recalled items in Aleph stage display as Due Date "On Shelf" in Aleph Holdings.

    Production displays with the "Effective Due Date".

    Do you know why the Aleph API is returning this status?

    I find that when there's a recall the ./com/get_circ_status_text program is calling ./circ/format_due_date which looks for a "0102" line in the ./error_eng/format_due date file.

    Your $alephe_root/error_eng format_due_date has:

    0102 0000 L [that is, blank]

    while the $aleph_root/format_due_date has:

    0102 0000 L Recalled due date: $1

    The effect of this is that the format due date program is passing an empty buffer back to get_circ_status_text which thinks the item is not on loan and produces the "On Shelf" message.

    **The 0102 line in the ./error_eng/format_due_date file cannot be blank.**

    You need to put a value on this line and restart the www_server and pc_server.

    Note: v20 rep_change 3442 is relevant: The L-DUE-DATE variable is now being initialized by the get_circ_status_text program. This seems to be a necessary and correct change. It may be that previous to this change the recall due-date of the preceding item would display(?) (rather than "on shelf") -- which would have had an incorrect date but not so noticeable(?)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013