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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Recalled items are no longer generating Lost Bills

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Since going to SP 3135 we have noticed that our recalled items no longer generate Lost bills (although overdue items that have not been recalled still do).

    We have to manually push all recalled items into a Lost status now and we did not need to do this pre SP 3135.

    Two examples are barcodes 39031024614505 and 39031026860353.

    This *could* have to do with tab32 column 6 ("Number of days for requested items") but in this case, that was fine....

    Looking at the p_cir_50 runs in $alephe_scratch, I find that all of them have:

    setenv p_recall_option "2"

    We see this in ./pc_b_eng/p-cir50.xml:

    <label>Recall Filter</label>
    <display>All loans</display>
    <display>Include only recalled items</display>
    <display>Exclude recalled items</display>

    Thus, p_recall_option is always "2" (Exclude recalled items).

    This is why p_cir_50 is ignoring recalled items.

    Note: p-cir-51.xml also has this "Recall Filter"; thus, p_cir_51 can also exhibit this same behavior.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013