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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Records not showing in logical base (for NEW records, based on year/month)

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    For our New Items logical base (ABC01NEW) we are not seeing recently added items in the OPAC in the title or author browse. New items show in the new items logical base if searched for. They also show in the general catalog search, title and author browse.

    Recently we made a change to our custom NEW field adding two more digits to provide a more specific date as to when the items were added changing the subfield a from something like 200909 to 20090905.
    We have made the appropriate changes to the tab_base.eng (attached below), adding ## after the month (200909##).

    One of our catalogers has found that changing the NEW field back to the old 6 digit format results in the item being displayed in the catalog title and author browse correctly. Is there another file that should be edited to have these items display in the browse with the full 8 digit tag?

    Though the "#" (pound, hash) character can be used to represent a single wildcard character in OPAC searching and though it seems that you should be able to use two consecutive pound signs ("##") in searching, we have seen some oddities in this regard....

    The normal way to enter a wildcard for multiple characters in a search is the question-mark ("?").

    Please change the ABC01NEW base to:

    (wnb=200906 or wnb=200907 or wnb=200908? or wnb=200909? or wnb=200910?)

    and restart the www_server.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013