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    Remote Service Error (c1011 6) - Library not accessible

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    Problem Symptoms:
    * "Remote Service Error (c1011 6) - Library not accessible" is displayed although no batch services are running
    * util c/4 ("Check Library Lock Status") does not display any results, just blank

    A) the z52 parameters (util g/2) are missing
    B) the line library-lock-status line (util g/2) is corrupt

    for Cause A) the z52 parameters (util g/2) are missing

    1) check, whether util g/2 ("Display/Update library parameters") displays any parameters
    a) for new libraries: run util g/3 ("Create Initial Library Parameters"). This will create z52 Oracle table with default parameters as in the corresponding Demo library
    b) for upgrades: run service 'Import Database Tables - without checks (file-04)' to import table z52

    2) check, whether util g/2 now displays the correct parameters
    3) run util c/4 'check library lock status' again

    for Cause B) the line library-lock-status line (util g/2) is corrupt
    1) check, whether util g/2 ("Display/Update library parameters") contains a line "library-lock-status"
    Sequence Name Value Suppress Type Prefix
    -------------------- --------- -------- ---- --------------------
    11. library-lock-status 0 y S

    2) If the library-lock-status has value '0', update the line with the same parameters

    Enter sequence number to update,
    or return to continue, or NEW to create new sequence, or 0 to exit: 11
    Sequence library-lock-status

    Enter operation (U)pdate/(D)elete [U]: U

    Current value is: 0
    Enter new value : 0

    Current prefix is :
    Enter new prefix (DEL to Delete):

    Current type is : S
    Enter new type (S/U): S

    Current zero suppression is : y
    Enter new zero suppression (y/n): y

    3) run util c/4 ("Check Library Lock Status") again

    Additional Information

    Note1: The library-lock-status and the other parameters you see in UTIL-G-2 are stored in the z52 Oracle table.

    Make sure you haven't inadvertently deleted this z52 table

    Note2 (for Aleph 16.02): There's been a problem in USM60 library, as delivered, not specifying "S" in its type column

    Copying the parameters to any xxx60 library therefore did not work

    If the usm60 has "U" in column type, change to "S" and rerun util g/3 for the xxx60 library

    Note 3

    * util g/3 copies parameters from the corresponding demo library.

    The following parameters of ./tab/tab100 determine, which demo library will be taken as a default when creating new library parameters (util g/3)






    will use usm60 as default.

    Explanations of ./xxx60/tab/tab100 header:


    !# Values:1 2 Default: 1

    !# Type: Text; Max Length: 01

    !# tab100 of library: Yes; tab100_<server_type>: No.


    ! 1 = the system's demo data base is USMXX

    ! 2 = the system's demo data base is MABXX

    ! This parameter is used for the synchronization of tables

    ! report (UTIL H/1), and for UTIL G/2 values.


    !Y = indicates that the library is of type "HOL"

    Category: Cataloging (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013