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    Removing deleted ALEPH records from Primo

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    In most cases when a record is logically deleted from Aleph a z00p record with today's date will be generated and the record will be sent to Primo as a deletion. There can, however, be cases where this did not happen properly and you need to re-send deleted ALEPH records ("DEL Y" field) to Primo. (Note that the publish-04 (Initial Publishing Process) does *not* produce z00p's for deleted records.
    When a record is DELeted in Aleph and it has an existing z00p record, the z00p_status of that record is changed to DELETED and the record is properly removed from Primo. There seems to be no way to generate such a record in the case where there is no existing z00p. (See Additional Information, below, for additional problem description.)

    Follow the procedure described at It describes the generation of z00p DELETED records.

    Additional Information

    There are bib records which are searchable in PRIMO but are no longer in the ALEPH database. This was isolated to two dates when a full extract from ALEPH was done and then a reload on PRIMO. This seems to have been the result of not doing a cleanup publish-06 prior to starting the extract. So there was a day’s worth of work that was not captured. This didn't cause any problem for the NEW or UPDATED records but the DELETED records were not addressed.

    See also How to delete a specific record from Primo?

    Category: Interoperability

    • Article last edited: 7/30/2014
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