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    Replacement cost not appearing on patron record or notice

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Two items were declared lost (by the system), however no replacement cost appears in the cash transactions - only the notice fee. The items (32899001735627 and 32899001735684) are in item status 16, and, according to LMN50's tab34, this status should charge $27.50.

    Tab34 indicates these values:

    Col. 8 is Notice Cost, transaction 0042 in tab18.eng - set to $3.50.
    Col.10 is Fixed Price, transaction 0041 in tab18.eng - set with a value.

    The user is charged for transactions of cols. 8 and 10 (0041 and 0042).

    Tab18 has these values:

    0040 LMN ## ## N 0 Lost material - Handling
    0041 LMN ## ## Y Lost material - Replacement
    0042 LMN ## ## Y 3.50 Lost material - Notice

    Tab32 has these values:

    LMN ## ## 00 006 000 O 0080
    LMN ## ## 01 010 000 O 0081
    LMN ## ## 02 012 000 L 0041

    The following is the relevant line in tab34:

    LMN 16 09 # # # ##### 3.50 27.50

    Comparing this line to the usm50 tab34, I see that the usm50 has "#####" in column 6, while the lve50 tab34 has "# ".

    Column 6 is the Collection code. By having "# ", you are saying that the first character in the Collection code can be anything, but the 2nd-5th characters must be blank. Therefore, no match is occurring.

    This should to be changed to "#####" and the pc_server restarted.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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