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    Report of Authorities Records with Bad or Invalid Indicator

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We want the system to produce authorities with bad indicator values.
    We tried to use p_com_01 to generate report of authorities with invalid indicators, however, the report did not provide any relevant results.

    In order for a message to appear in the trigger list, and therefore be output in p_com_01, it must be included in check_doc_mandatory (in this case, in XXX10/tab because this is the authorities library).

    The system messages are numbers 0001-5000 and 7001-9999.
    The numbers 5001-7000 are available for user-created messages.

    To create a trigger for an incorrect indicator you need to:
    1. Find the number of the error which you want included (invalid indicator)
    1a. cd $aleph_root
    1b. cd error_eng
    1c. grep -i indicator check_doc
    1d. This will return the following 2 lines:
    9004 L First indicator in tag "$1" is not valid.
    9005 L Second indicator in tag "$1" is not valid.

    2. Using the message number noted above, add a line to the XXX10/tab/check_doc_mandatory table to indicate the conditions under which the trigger is to be generated.
    CATALOG-INSERT 9004 T First indicator is not valid
    CATALOG-INSERT 9005 T Second indicator is not valid
    In this case, the trigger will be created when the record is saved.
    The third column instructs the system to create a trigger. The fourth column is descriptive only and is not displayed anywhere.

    3. Restart the pc_server.

    4. Rerun p_com_01.

    (Keywords: com_01 p-com-01 wrong bad)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013