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    Report of all items updated in a particular time period


    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care



    We ran ret-adm-01 with Item Update Date filtering for 20180730 to 20180805. There are thousands of records which were changed (-- and which have an item history record for the update --) which are not included in the output. 

    We need a report of all items updated in the last week with the item number, barcode, collection code, z30-CALL_NUMBER, copy no., description, title, 09x (call number from bib/z13), and HOL record number.



    As described in the article " What updates cause the z30_update_date to change? ", not all updates cause changes to the z30_update_date.  That's why the ret-01 output is incomplete.
    Below is an “updateditems.sql” script for reporting on all items which have had a z30h history record created in a particular date range***  
    It would be submitted by doing “s+ xxx50”  and then:  @updateditems.sql

    set echo off
    set pause off
    set term off
    set show off
    set feed off
    set verify off
    set heading off
    set pagesize 58

    spool updateditems.lst

    select z30_rec_key, z30_barcode, z30_collection, z30_call_no, z30_description, z13_title, z13_call_no, z30_hol_doc_number_x 
    from z30, z30h, z103, xxx01.z13 where
      z30_rec_key = substr (z30h_rec_key,1,15) and
      Z13_REC_KEY = substr (Z103_REC_KEY_1,6,9) and
      substr (Z103_REC_KEY_1,1,5) = 'XXX01' and
      substr (Z103_REC_KEY,6,9) = substr (Z30_REC_KEY,1,9) and
      z30_sub_library = 'YYYYY' and
      Z30H_H_DATE >= '20180730' and Z30H_H_DATE <= '20180805';

    spool off

    <end SQL script>

    The  "XXX01"s need to be changed to your local bib library and the script needs to be submitted for xxx50 ("s+ xxx50").

    By changing the Z30H_H_DATE line to this:


    you could make the script always get the past 7 days.  (Thus, it could be run weekly without changing the script.)

    If wanted to do it for all sublibraries, you could delete the z30_sub_library line.  In this case you may want to add an “order by z30_sub_library” line at the end of the where clause.

    *** Note that not all item updates result in the creation of a z30h record.  See the article " No History records for certain items **MASTER RECORD** " in this regard. 


    If you want put the output into a spreadsheet, you could insert a "SET MARKUP HTML ON SPOOL ON " line immediately before the "spool " line in the script and follow the instructions in the " How to put SQL output into a spreadsheet " article.


    • Article last edited: 10-Aug-2018
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