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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Repositioned $6 subfield

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    In a BIB record, when a paired field with $6 as the first subfield is automatically updated via the authorities process, the $6 subfield is repositioned so that it follows the authorized heading.
    $6 should always be the first subfield in a field.

    We found that this can be fixed with configuration recommendations below.

    1) Add in tab_fix a line with program expand_doc_sort after each line with fix_doc_ref_1. For example:
    INS fix_doc_ref_1
    INS expand_doc_sort
    UE_01 fix_doc_ref_1
    UE_01 expand_doc_sort

    2) Set in tab_expand_sort all relevant fields with 6 as parameter. For example:
    100## 6
    (note that you don't have to list all the subfields, with the above setting $$6 will be first, then all the other fields will follow).

    3)Restart ue_01, ue_08, pc_server.

    This will retain the $$6 as the first subfield after authorities correction.

    (Keywords: $6, subfield sort)

    Additional Information

    $$6, $6, subfield sort,

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013