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    Reserves hold request - default pickup location

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    As our staff are testing course reading in version 19, they've noticed that a hold request placed through Course Reading, the one that is activated N days before the start date of the courses, uses the owning library of the items as the pickup location. This is different from the standard hold request functionality, which will default to the patron's home library.
    They are asking if it is possible to make the course reading request pickup location behave like the regular request, and use the patron's home library. We have special Course Reading patrons that belong to each reserves unit, and we always want the requested items to go to that reserve unit, even if the item normally belongs to a different library.

    If this is a configuration option, I have not been able to find the setup. We did not use the Course Reading request function in previous versions.
    If it is built in to the program, we hope it might be easily be changed now that course reading is more integrated with circulation.

    I see in the pc_server log that the program being executed is pc_cir_c0419:

    SERVICE : C0419
    MODULE : Circulation Services
    DESCRIPTION: Create a New Hold Request - Item
    PROGRAM : pc_cir_c0419

    And pc_cir_c0419 has the following logic:

    IF C0419-ACTION = "PUT-CRS"

    Answer on behalf of the Aleph 500 product manager:

    Thank you for submitting this Aleph 500 enhancement request. The Aleph 500 product manager has evaluated the request on the basis of several criteria, including the applicability of this enhancement to the needs of a broad range of Ex Libris users and the degree to which it corresponds with the product’s road map. We are doing our best to accommodate as many enhancement requests as we can, and we are certain that this enhancement would benefit your institution. However, because of the volume of enhancements already planned and in light of the product manager’s evaluation, we regret to inform you that this request will not be included in Aleph 500 versions in the foreseeable future. Two months before the new version of Aleph 500 is released, Ex Libris will inform the user community of all the enhancements that have been included in this version. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation and look forward to our continuing collaboration

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013