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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Reset GUI Display Column Widths (pc_tab_col..lng)

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We want to reset all column widths on staff PCs to their default as set in XXX01/tab/pc_tab_col.<lng>

    That information is "remembered" on the PC by \Alephcom\tab\UserTabCol.ini

    The line name that controls display is constructed from the column 1 List ID in pc_tab_col.eng plus the name of the library.
    For example, in the USM50 library, the column widths for the List of Hold Requests are remembered by the line:

    In this case, there are 7 columns displaying, each with a width of 0.1429.
    An additional 13 columns are not currently being displayed (0.0).

    In order to reset staff PCs to their pc_tab_col.lng defaults after a major change to the table can be done by deleting the file on staff PCs while the GUI is closed. It will be recreated automatically when the GUI is opened using the default settings. (It can be done while the GUI is open, but if the staff member has a related window open at the time, it might not be updated.)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013