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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Retrieval of records with many items is very slow

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Many of our law records have many items linked to them. For example. record #885289 has 1895 items. When trying to view the items in the GUI it takes a very long time and in the OPAC you can't view them - it just hangs there and spins. According to a staff member in law, it's a lot slower than it was in v19. I'm not sure if that's the case since we got rid of our v19 so I can't check.

    A few questions:

    * Would the two-task setup we have in v20 (that we didn't in v19) affect the response time for these types of records?
    * Is there any recommendation for maximum number of items per record?
    * Any recommendation for how to handle these types of records in v20?

    [KB's 16384-29362 and 16384-29378 describe some TWO-TASK issues; the change to TWO-TASK was not relevant in this case....]

    On 9/23 there had been a network problem and our database failed over to another instance. Ever since then we've been having slowness issues. Yesterday morning our DBA changed the recyclebin to OFF and failed over the database back to the original instance.

    We now find that the speed is back to what it was previously. (So there was some problem with this failover DB server.)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013