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    Returned Book Doesn't Show as Available in Primo

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    In order to test that information was going properly to Primo, I checked out a book and watched the record go through publication and then out as an export. Great! That part worked.

    I then had Circulation check the book back in. I probably had the book actually checked out for less than 1 hour overall. No corresponding "book available" record was ever published back out for Primo, though the Aleph record does show it as available. So, we now have a mismatch between the two.

    Reviewing the Aleph tables, I now no longer see anything in Z36, but I also see nothing in Z36H about this record or any return transaction. I also see nothing for that record number in the Z35 table, which is really odd. No check out; no return. Yet, it was checked out enough to create a changed publish record.

    Any ideas about why this would happen? Does an item have to be checked out for some minimum time period to get recorded in the Aleph tables?

    And what is the easiest way to force such a record through publishing? is there a quick way to accomplish that?

    The ./com_io/io_z36 program calls get_adm_bib and then update_z07p (with the BIB library as its target) before writing (or deleting) the Z36 record.

    UTIL-F-312 shows that the ADM# for BIB 2419912 is 2419914:

    ENTER DOC-NUMBER : 2419912
    ABC50 002419914 ADM
    ABC60 002430411 HOL

    I see this Z36H record for 002419914:
    02 z36h_time ....................200903251129418
    02 z36h_rec_key \
    03 doc_number .................002419914
    03 item_sequence ..............000010
    02 z36h_id ......................SCR20090325
    02 z36h_number ..................002099368
    02 z36h_material ................BOOK
    02 z36h_sub_library .............MAIN
    02 z36h_status ..................A
    02 z36h_loan_date ...............20090325
    02 z36h_loan_hour ...............1007
    02 z36h_effective_due_date ......00000000
    02 z36h_due_date ................20091001
    02 z36h_due_hour ................2400
    02 z36h_returned_date ...........20090325
    02 z36h_returned_hour ...........1129

    We see these processings of BIB 002419912 in the abc01 ue_21 logs

    ABC01-ALEPH18>> grep 002419912 *ue_21*
    run_e_21.13474:HANDLING DOC NO. - ABC01.002419912 10:07:45
    run_e_21.13474:HANDLING DOC NO. - ABC01.002419912 11:29:49
    run_e_21.30852:HANDLING DOC NO. - ABC01.002419912 15:05:23

    It seems that the processing at 11:29:49 occurred in response to the return of the item.

    enter start Z00P key (999999999)
    Sequence : 002410438
    Set : PRIMO-ABC
    Library : ABC01
    Doc Number : 002419912
    Timestamp : 200903251529507

    This most recent updating of the Z00P record seems to have occurred in response to the 15:05:23 processing by ue_21.

    Thus, it seems that the Z00P *is* up to date. But you don't say anything about having run publish_06. p-publish-06 is the process which takes the Z00P and creates a tar file of extracted records. (Also, I don't see any recent run of p_publish_06 in $alephe_scratch).

    See KB 16384-2594 for a description of the complete process.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013