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    Returned date/time for item earlier than current date/time


    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care



    A returned item should have received a fine and did not; it has a return date/time (z36h_returned_date and z36h_returned_hour) earlier than current the date/time -- which it should not.  


    Below is the z36h (loan history) record for this transaction. As can be seen, the z36h_returned_date /_hour has been changed from the actual ("20160421 20:52") to 20160419 11:57:
    02 z36h_time .....................201604212052222
    02 z36h_due_date .................20160421
    02 z36h_due_hour .................1705
    02 z36h_returned_date ............20160419
    02 z36h_returned_hour ............1157
    {The z309 circ logger record for this transaction appears as a z309_action "24" (Return date changed).}
    The only cause we know of for this is the operator use of the Override Date button in returning the item. Since the items being returned may be for the same patron, with the same need to have the returned date overridden, the default behaviour is for the Override Date button to be in effect for *multiple* transactions. As noted in article " Return date override function time out. ": "The user has to manually clear the Override button to return to the default return date."
    The following SQL shows z309_action '24' instances for xxx50 on April 21 , at 8 o'clock:
    xxx50@ALEPH22> select z309_date_x, Z309_CATALOGER_NAME from z309 where z309_action = '24' and z309_date_x like '2016042120%' order by z309_date_x;
    Z309_DATE_X Z309_CATAL
    ------------ ----------
    201604212001 yyyyyyyyyy
    201604212002 yyyyyyyyyy
    201604212002 yyyyyyyyyy
    201604212002 yyyyyyyyyy
    201604212002 yyyyyyyyyy
    201604212002 yyyyyyyyyy
    201604212041 yyyyyyyyyy
    201604212052 yyyyyyyyyy
    <------ the return in question
    We hypothesize that yyyyyyyyyy returned the item at 20:41 using the Override Date, did not hit Clear, and returned the laptop at 20:52.



    • Article last edited: 27-Apr-2016
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