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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Particular PC unable to export records from OCLC

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23


    One of our sites can no longer export records from OCLC. The server is running on port 7511. The error they see in OCLC Connecxion is: 
    "The local system has closed the connection, retries exceeded" 
    "The TCP/IP connection has been closed by the remote host"
    This specific computer had worked fine until this week. 
    In the OCLC server log on the ALEPH server we see: 
    2017-01-05 09:58:07 15 [log] Initialized from Address 
    But nothing else. 

    I tried exporting a record from my computer and it was able to connect and export records to this port.


    If all users at this site see the error, and you don't see the error, then it seems that the problem is one of two things:

     * the site's firewall (or the server firewall) has been changed to no longer allow port 7511 on this IP address or IP address range; or
     * (in this case) the user had changed a setting in the PC's OCLC Connexion configuration related to the format of the file from "MARC" to "XML".

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