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    Running PLIF Loader

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    We have 3 Aleph instances in our environment - Prod, Trg, Dev. In v16, all 3 instances share the same user.

    1. When we run any of the aleph processes, e.g. plif_loader as a cron job, it is automatically run in the Prod environment.
    How can I run the same plif_loader but in the Dev or Trg instances?
    What are the environment variables I need to set in my script to achieve this?

    2. Some of the indexing processes stop from time to time and we have to re-start them manually via the util menu.
    Is there a way to automate this as well?

    1. When you run a cron job with "su - aleph", it logs in as user aleph to the default version (Prod in this case).
    What you must do is either run with "su aleph", or better, in a crontab owned by aleph, not root.

    In both cases, you must either have a different script for each version, or receive the version as parameter of your
    script and add at the beginning of the script a few lines like below (only the last of these lines is mandatory, the
    others are checks).

    if ($#argv ~= 1) then
    echo "usage: $0 slot_name"
    echo "e.g. $0 a16_1"
    exit 1

    if (! -f /exlibris/aleph/$0/alephm/.cshrc) then
    echo "ERROR: cannot find /exlibris/aleph/$0/alephm/.cshrc"
    exit 1

    source /exlibris/aleph/$0/alephm/.cshrc

    2. The indexing log files are kept in $data_scratch directory

    Additional Information

    index log file, cron, plif loader, environment variable

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013