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    Running p_manage_18 to load revised OCLC numbers - indexing issues

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    We are doing an OCLC reclamation which means we need to add OCLC numbers to all our records that previously didn't have one (imported from other utilities).

    We are also replacing the old OCLC numbers with leading zeros with ones that have no leading zeros.

    We have tested using p-manage-18 using the append option.

    Tab_preferred is set to prefer the existing record:
    OVERLAY-07 preferred_doc_switch

    Tab-merge-overlay looks like this:
    07 1 Y #####
    07 1 N 035##,a,*(OCoLC)*
    07 2 Y 035##

    Our problem is the anticipated indexing load. It is only the 035's which need re-indexing.

    P-manage-18 can only be run with multi-user, FULL indexing in this situation of touching existing records rather than adding new ones.

    So this is our idea.

    After cataloguing staff finish their day:
    Ensure there are no z07 records in ABC01.
    Turn off UE_01.
    Run p-manage-18 to insert the new OCLC numbers for a batch of records, which are in ABC01 doc number order, so we would know the first and last.
    Clear out the Z07s.
    Run p-manage-05, the Direct index, using the Update option and giving the range of numbers.
    Correction - we would use the merge option for p-manage-18, not append.

    !* This profile called by p_manage_18 when in 'use merge routine' mode
    !* Used to remove the old OCLC number (with leading zeros) and add OCLC number from reclamation project
    OVERLAY-07 merge_doc_overlay 07

    If the only affected field is the 035, which is indexed only in the Direct index, there is no need for ue_01 to process the records (and no need for z07's), and no need to run p_manage_05: the Direct indexes are updated directly, immediately by the update_docx program.

    The following should work:

    1. stop ue_01, either via util e/2 or the prof_library "setenv ue_01_active_hours"
    2. set aleph_start "setenv z07_p_manage_18" to a distinct value, such as "2005"
    3. run p_manage_18
    4. use SQL to delete the z07's with z07_seq like '2005'

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013