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    SFX button in OPAC for getDocumentDelivery

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Problem Symptoms:
    In the OPAC the SFX button is displayed when fulltext access is available.
    But it is not displayed for other services like getDocumentDelivery.

    Variable sfx_kev in www_server.conf was missing.

    The full set of the services is supported only if the environment variable "sfx_kev" is set to "Y" in $alephe_root/www_server.conf.

    Additional Information

    SFX services that are supported when sfx_kev=N include:
    * getFullTxt
    * getAbstract
    * getReference
    * getHolding
    * getTOC

    SFX services that are supported when sfx_kev=Y include all of the above plus:
    * getWebService
    * getWebSearch
    * getSubject
    * getPayPerView
    * getMessageNoFullTxt
    * getDOI
    * getDocumentDelivery
    * getCitedReference
    * getCitedRecord
    * getCitedJournal
    * getCitedGenome
    * getCitedBook
    * getCitedAuthor
    * getBookReview
    * getAuthorEmail
    * getAuthor
    * getAlikeRecord
    * getMsgNoRecomm
    * getRecommendation
    * getSelectedFullTxt

    Category: Web OPAC (500)

    Subject: SFX (open URL) (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013