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    SRU server - System Temporarily Unavailable message

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    I had started an SRU server and had it running for some time. However, after some period of time, the SRU server has started returning the message:

    System Temporarily Unavailable.

    A restart of the SRU server made thing work again. Is there a time out of this service which causes it to have to be restarted on some regular basis? If so, what is the interval. If not, what would have caused the error message to start being sent?

    There does not appear to be any timeout for the program as a whole. The error message you got looks like a sort of generic message that comes when the system doesn't know why it isn't working anymore. It may be a memory leak or some particular system resource that went unavailable (such as a port or a database), or perhaps it got disconnected from the database or something like that. It apparently thinks that the situation will clear up soon, as it calls it a temporary condition. But in your case, it seems not to have been temporary, and suggests that something went wrong.

    I don't see any way to predict when and why this would happen. It would probably be a good idea to just restart the SRU server on a regular basis, just so you know that it's going to be running most of the time.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013