Searching field 035
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
In many of our records we have both subfield a and z in the 035 field. I have the OPAC set to find OCLC numbers. This works when there is only a subfield a in the 035 field. When there is also a subfield z, in addition to a, I get no results searching for the OCLC number.
I've tried making changes to the 035 line in tab11_ind, but cannot search for records where both subfields are evident. I re-index using p-manage-05 after making changes.I currently have tab11_ind set to: 035 OCLC az
How do I retrieve records where both subfields have an OCLC number in the 035 field?
Direct indexes don't work in the same way as keyword indexes, which generally index each subfield (as well as each word within a subfield) as a separate entity. Direct indexes build a single entity for whatever you designate. So if you say to index the entire field, $$a and $$z are indexed as one single entity. Here is the internal structure of the entry for the first bib you cited in the OCLC direct index:
02 z11_text .........$$a(OCoLC)70192283$$z(OCoLC)171120683
There is a way to created individual 'virtual' fields for separate subfields when building a direct index. I see that this has been done in your environment. Here are the relevant lines in tab11_ind:
a035 035
z035 035
The two virtual fields (a035 and z035) are generated by another table - tab_expand_extract.
So if you change the index being used in your OPAC from OCLC to 035, I think you will find this problem resolved. Let me know the results.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013