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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Self-check pc: 'Circulation system operation failure - Fails to receive ILS ...

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Last week 3M replaced the PC of one of our self check machines that had died. The new PC is not communicating with Aleph. I had our network tech look and make sure he had added the mac address of the new PC into his network and he has. The new pc is on our network and can communicate with other application but not Aleph. The error we get on the 3M machine is 'Circulation system operation failure - Fails to receive ILS response - check connection and verify matching ILS configuration - ERR_SIP_TOO_MANY_COMMAND_SEND_RETRIES'.

    I have checked with the 3M technician that all of our parameters are set correctly. I compared them with the other self check machine that is communicating and they are the same.

    The IP address of the working self check machine is
    The IP address of the one that fails to communicate is

    Note: The sip2_server is sending exactly the same positive "98" message to as its sending to

    [From site:] This problem turned out to be that the 3M self check software was sending a checksum digit in the SIP string to the Aleph system that it was not prepared to handle. The 3M tech discovered the problem by remotely accessing our self check machine and looking at her logs. She removed that security feature and everything started to work correctly.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013