Serials check-in notes don't always appear in Arrival Form
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
In Serials, the check-in notes from the subscription record are supposed to appear in the first box of the Arrival Form (ACQ > left pane Serial tab > [K] Check In node > lower right pane 2. Arrival Form tab > Check-in Note field).
They don't always. Their content is important to staff.
When there is no Prediction Pattern, no 853, and no 853X and a manually created Issue needs to display the Subscription record Check-in Note, the Issue and the Subscription need to be associated with each other via the Subscription No. field (ACQ > left pane Serial tab > [M] Item List node > right lower pane 4. Serial Information tab > Subscription No. field). This is done by clicking on the field’s drop-down arrow and selecting the relevant Subscription No.
This connection can be added after the Issue is created in the [K] Check in node or by creating it from the [M] Item List node.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013