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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Server failed to execute request ..." placing hold on item/bib with many items

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 21

    Problem Symptoms:
    * The more items a bib record has, the longer it takes to create a hold request on one of its items.
    * If the bib has hundreds of items, the error "Server failed to execute request after 60 seconds" can occur.


    In this particular case (since Title requests were not actually enabled at the site) commenting out the TITLE-REQ lines in ./xxx50/tab/tab_hold_request corrected the problem.

    Additional Information

    1. The following may be done to confirm that Title-request checking (or something else!) is taking the excessive time:

    * enter the following on the command line and press Enter:

    setenv check_hold_request Y

    {See KB 22100 ("Verbose mode") for details}.

    * restart the pc_server,
    * perform a long-running hold request transaction,
    * restart the pc_server,
    * examine the pc_server log -- or send the log to Ex Libris Support.

    2. Note: It would *seem* that check_hold_request_o / check_hold_request_p would be the problem (since they explicitly involve reading all of the other items for the bib), but in this case the problem was occurring even *without* "TITLE-REQ check_hold_request_o" / "TITLE-REQ check_hold_request_p".

    Category: Circulation (500)

    Subject: Items (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013