Service pack 485 failed to install in production
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
The install of this service pack worked fine on our development machine, but failed on our production machine. The last bit of output was:
> ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/aleph/exe/vst_server_
> main1
> mv: cannot access /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/aleph/exe/vst_server_main1
> Critical error: /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/aleph/exe/io_z00p.o didn't compile
> Critical error: rts32 couldn't be created
> Critical error: pc_server_main couldn't be created
> Critical error: www_server_main couldn't be created
> Critical error: ncip_server_main couldn't be created
> Critical error: oclc_server couldn't be created
> Critical error: sip2_server_main couldn't be created
> Critical error: slnp_server_main couldn't be created
> Critical error: vst_server_main couldn't be created
> Running uninstall...
> Enter CR to continue...
> Uninstall proceeded successfuly
Problem seems to be related the compilation of io_z00p.o:
> Installing step 000483
> Installing step 000484
> Installing step 000485
> create rts
> ar: cannot open /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/aleph/exe/io_z00p.o
> No such file or directory
> ar: /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/aleph/exe/io_z00p.o not found
The full file of output is
[From site:]
Service pack was installed successfully this morning. Problem seems to be due to differences between the c copiler in /opt/SUNWspro (which dev used) and the one in /usr/ucb (used by prod) when compiling io_z00p.pc. I changed the PATH in aleph_start to include the directory where the SUNWspro compiler is. The other problem I mentioned about create_rts failing in the precheck step was caused as a result of the backed-up object file for io_z413.pc being copied back to the wrong file.
Incident can be closed.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013