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    Setting up logical bases

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    We want to have two bases: one excluding Suppressed records and the other excluding both Suppressed records and "limited access records" (which have "mlt" as their Collection -- z30_collection; 852 subfield c ).

    In the BIB library tab11_word, you need to have a WCL index for the Collection, to which the LOC field, subfield c, is being sent. (And a BIB library tab_expand with: WORD expand_doc_bib_loc_usm line)
    This means that you should be able to do a WCL Word search which retrieves records containing Collection "mlt". This can be done as a CCL Word search in either the GUI or Web: wcl = mlt .
    I assume that, per standard set-up, you are placing an "STA Suppressed" tag in records you want to be Suppressed. And that you have built a WST Word index on the STA field. This means that you should be able to do a WST Word search which retrieves records containing STA=Suppressed.
    This can be done as a CCL Word search in either the GUI or Web: wst = suppressed . Once this is done, you can proceed with what is described below. You need to have a line like this in the $alephe_tab/tab_base.eng:
    MHT01PUB Catalog MHT01 MHT01 N alldocuments not (wst=suppressed or wcl = mlt)
    The preceding will prevent people from accessing either Suppressed records or specific base records.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013