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    Slow check-out of items which have been loaned many times

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    We have a bib record with many items attached to it that, when checking the item out, takes about 8 seconds to return confirmation of the loan. There have been a couple service pack fixes that we hoped would improve this, but did not.

    We don't know if the delay comes from the many items or from the fact that each item has many Z36H records associated with it. We would like to know what is causing the delay of the loan confirmation and, hopefully, fix it.

    The z36h records can come into play when check_circ_7_c ("item re-borrowing"/"item reloaning" limit) is specified in tab_check_circ. This limit forces the patrons to wait x hours before checking out items they have just returned.

    The check_circ_7_c program reads the z36h (loan history) records, comparing



    the Current date/time + the tab15.eng, column 15, value.

    This item has several thousand z36h records.

    The z36h records are not needed by the system. The "z30_no_loans" field keeps track of the number of loans of the item and the z35 event records -- *not* the z36h records -- are what is used by the system for circulation statistics.

    There are two possible solutions:

    (1) comment out the check_circ_7_c line or

    (2) delete z36h records older than x months, so that the check_circ_7_c program will not have so many to look at. (The z36h table should be backed up using p_file_03 before any such deletion.)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013