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    Slow display of Netlibrary and Electronic Book titles in GUI Full Link

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We are experiencing very slow display for certain records on the Show in the lower pane of the search area.

    In GUI Cataloging, connected to ABC01, specify the search base of "JKL" and search for wsl=JKLOR. This will give you 2934 matches. After clicking on the "Show" button, click on record #4 in the list "Granada la bella" by Ganivet, Angel. You will find that the GUI sits for almost a minute before displaying the title in the lower pane.
    You will see the same for record #6 "Pride and Prejudice" by Austen, Jane. And many records following it.

    The "MARC Tags" display does not have this delay. It's just the Full+Link.

    What we've found is that if we change the heading "NetLibrary, Inc." and "Electronic books" to "NetLibrary, Inx." and "Electronic bookx" respectively, the display of these records speeds up to the normal 2 seconds or so. Changing the headings back to their correct spelling, slows the response right back down. What is causing this slow down and what might we do to speed things up?

    When -- instead of specifying "JKL" as the base -- I specify "ABC01" and search on sublibrary JKLOR, I get the same 2934 titles, with "Granada la bella" by Ganivet, Angel as rec# 4, but, when I select it, it comes up in just a few seconds.

    Thus, the problem has to do with the use of this logical base (JKL).

    The (author) heading "Netlibrary, Inc." has 179,194 titles associated with it (of which 2,934 are for JKL). When you specify JKL as the base and select this Ganivet record it builds links to each heading in the record whose tag is specified in edit_doc_999.eng in column 10 as Linkable. The 710 tag has "Z" (Find + Browse Link).

    Thus, the program is going through these 179,194 titles, looking for ones in the JKL base. This takes quite a while. (In the web OPAC you can specify that the z0102 should be used, but the GUI does *not* use the z0102.)

    For this particular search you can get the same result using the ABC01 base, but there may be other searches where that is not the case and you really need to use the local base. If that is the case, then you can prevent the display of the 710 field with the content "Netlibrary":

    In abc01 edit_doc_999.eng,add a subfield filter to column 3 and a negative content filter to column 4:

    !1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 11 2 13 4 15 16

    ## 710## a -netlibr* D LAdded Entry Y Z E

    And restart the pc_server.

    The 655 tag "Electronic books" is a similar case. And could be treated in a similar fashion.d

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013