Slow response displaying Full Link for certain titles in GUI
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
This seems to be happening in all three GUI modules but was first reported in Acq
Do a search on the title "geography of production and economic integration" The result has 4 records
Select title 2/4 (sysno 11896149)
It can take 30 Secs or more to display the information in the Full+Link tab, and occasionally in will even Fail (See screen shot)
And if the record were to have an order attached it would be extremely slow bringing up the order.
Works fine for most records but we seem to continually run in to records that cause this slowdown.
[From site:] I was going to send some logs I created off a separate PC server port trying to isolate this problem, but I think I may have found the crux of the problem. It is basically the same problem as described in KB 16384-29153.
So ended up editing edit_doc_999.eng and adding separate lines for the GUI and WWW for 710 and 655 fields. In the lines for the GUI i removed the value in Col. 10.
So we can't use the Show Like or Headings button on the Full+Link tab, but the search display executes in seconds now rather than taking 20+ seconds to display the record.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013