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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Some holdings records generated by p-file-96 are lacking an 852 field

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We are using p_file_96 to approval records. We create Bibs, Items, Holdings, Orders, and Encumbrances in this process. We find that some of the Holdings have 852 fields and some do not. What is causing this?

    This is caused by the absence of a call number field in the bib. These are the actual bib fields being checked (in order of precedence):


    There is a parameter that can be included in the tab_96_def table that will insert a 'dummy' call number into the Item record - Z30-CALL-NO, but this only takes care of the call number field in the Item itself. The Holdings is still created without the 852 tag. The routine that is creating the Holdings is used in a variety of programs, so addressing the problem in this instance may have adverse effects on other applications.

    If your workflow requires the presence of an 852 tags with location information, even when no valid call number is present, one solution is to insert an artificial call number field into those bibs that are lacking one. You can do this with a standard ALEPH fix script, which you would invoke during submission of p_file_96.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013