Suppressing ALEPH Z305 Borrower record
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
1. Does the ALEPH z305 (borrower) record affect circulation?.
2. Can I delete the ALEPH Z305?.
3. If not, can I suppress or hide it from displaying in the "Local Patron Information" sublibrary list? (I changed setenv user_list_aleph_local to N, but it still displays.)
1. When there is an xxx50 z305 record for this ADM library, the "ALEPH" z305 record will not be used for circulation (and its patron status and expiration date don't not matter).
2. In all versions prior to v18, the system requires an ALEPH z305 record. If you save any z305 record to the server and the system finds there is no ALEPH Z305, it creates it. With v18, this is true only if tab31 column 22 is set to "Y".
3. The setenv user_list_aleph_local (and the "Display Local Patrons only" checkbox) affect whether users with only an ALEPH record display in the patron list. This parameter does not suppress display from the "Local Patron Information" sublibrary list you get when you select a patron's Local information tab. However, some sites *have* made the ALEPH patron be last (after the xxx50 borrower and any sublibraries) in this list by moving the ALEPH sublibrary line to the *bottom* of the $alephe_tab/tab_sub_library.eng.
Additional Information
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013