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    Thousands of bib library Z07's suddenly coming from ABC50 library

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We have classic case of 8192-2743, "Thousands of bib library Z07's suddenly coming from xxx50 library" as ue_01 was running in the ABC50 library by mistake. It has since been stopped but not before a backlog of 51,000 z07 were created in the ABC01 library.

    What should we do with all of these records? Delete them or let the process run? To delete I'm figuring I would use this SQL:
    delete from z07 where substr (z07_history, 1,5) like 'ABC50%';

    I do not believe we have indexes in VCU50 but am not sure, and need to clarify before deleting these records.

    The Z07 records with "VCU50" as the z07_history value can come not only from the xxx50 ue_01 but also directly from the update of item records in the VCU50 library.

    The abc50 ue_01 was stopped on Dec 14 at 21:59.

    The following SQL shows that 59 Z07's have been written (directly) from abc50 today (Dec 17):

    SQL> select count(*) from z07 where z07_sequence like '20071217%';


    You need to preserve these. You should do:

    SQL> delete from z07 where substr (z07_history, 1,5) like 'ABC50' and z07_sequence like '20071214%';

    Though the ../abc50/tab/tab00.eng has:

    H NLM IND 01 00 00 NLM
    H LCC ACC 01 00 00 LC Class
    H WRD W-000 00 00 Words

    the abc50 tab11_ind, tab11_acc, and tab11_word are all empty. This indicates that you do not have any actually-functional indexes in abc50.

    You can do UTIL-A-17-1 for the abc50 z07.

    To prevent ue_01 from running in abc50 when aleph is restarted, "abc50" should be *removed* from the WORD_STARTUP_LIBS entry of aleph_start.private.

    • Article last edited: 1/7/2014