Title requests permitted for non-requestable items block loans
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
If there are two items for the same bib record, one in the regular collection (tab15 column 11, "N") and one on Reserve (tab15 column 8, "N"), and you place a hold on the regular collection item and then try to check out the Reserve item you get the message "Item has holds", preventing the loan from occurring.
[Analysis:] This is happening because the item status for item #1 has "N" in tab15.eng column 11. (If this column is set to Y, the request will be for the specific item, not another like copy.) That means that the requests for items with this status *can* be for like copies. This is what the site, generally, wants and needs. But it wouldn't seem that it should extend to item #2 whose item status entry in tab15 has "N" in column 8, indicating "item cannot be requested".
[Response from Ex Libris:] The circulation-related tables are very "intricate" and change to the makeup of these tables or the related programs must be done very cautiously. Additionally, a change for one (or more) customers is likely to cause problems for other customers in existing and expected workflow.
As a result, changing the current behavior is not possible.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013