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    Translating due date from the Z31-KEY field

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    I am running cash-02 to generate a list of patrons billed for lost items. I would like to include the due date for this items in the report, and I see that information is contained in the Z31-KEY field that is part of the XML data.

    How can I translate that field to make it look nice for the report? I would like to be able to display bytes 63-70.

    Here is an example of SQL to format Aleph yyyymmdd dates:

    usm50@ALEPH201> select to_date (z36_loan_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') from z36;

    And here is specific SQL for the Z31-KEY due date:

    usm50@ALEPH201> select to_date (substr (z31_key,63,8), 'YYYY/MM/DD') from z31;

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013