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    UNH type of invoice not supported?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    I'm working with Harrassowitz to get our invoices loaded. I've received two test invoices (currently on our development instance, 6993, in the edi_processed folder): 08mar07.edi.dul1 and 12mar07.edi.dul1.

    I received the following error message when checking the log file: /exlibris/aleph/u16_3/duk50/edi/in/edi_processed/12mar07.edi.dul1.log:

    Executing: edi_to_xml_invoic_s
    Load: /exlibris/aleph/u16_3/alephe/unicode/tab_character_conversion_line
    Load: /exlibris/aleph/u16_3/alephe/unicode/8859_1_to_unicode
    UNH - INVOIC unsupported version.
    UNH - INVOIC unsupported version.

    I've asked Harrassowitz to double check their invoice types, but was wondering if there was something else I could do here to accept this invoice type.

    The UNH segment is the Header - a required structure in the EDI Invoice. The problem is that the values of the Header identifying the version of the protocol is not current. Here is the UNH segment from the Harrassowitz invoice:


    Two of the values (93A and EAN007) are obsolete. Here is what the current version of the protocol calls for:


    This is explained on page S-6-10 of the EDItEUR Guidelines for Serial Invoices, found on the protocol's web site:

    I know other ALEPH sites are using Harrassowitz. I can't explain why these invoices are using a non-standard version of the protocol. Can you check with Harrassowitz?

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013