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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Unable to loan: "This IP does not have permission to check out materials from -"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    One of our staff members, Joseph, cannot check out a book. He has the access priviledges to do so. He can register a patron,, but not check in or checkout a book, althought I've given him access to everything in circulation.

    But when he goes to check in material he gets a message like "This IP does not have permission to check out materials from - "

    The error message occurs when Joseph is using his office PC and not at the Reference Desk PC.

    We were told to use table tab_attr_sub_library to set up sublibrary relationship based on station ID/IP address for loans, returns, etc.

    However, I don't understand why we would need to do anything as none of our other computers are experiencing this problem and we are behind a firewall. Since the server apparently is going through the firewall for us to access the data on the circulation module, I still don't see why we would need to do anything with this table.

    [From Jerry:]

    This problem seems similar to KB 16384-337.

    One similarity is the fact that there is nothing following the "belonging to - ".

    Please check the .\Circ\bin\circ.exe file on Valeri's pc. Is it the same size/date as other pc's which do not have this problem? If it is a different size or date, copy the circ.exe file from a pc which works to Valeri's pc.

    [From site:]

    I checked circ.exe on Joseph's PC (which doesn't work) with the one on my PC (which works, I think). Both files had the same file size. The version on my PC is a bit newer.

    In any case, I copied my circ.exe file over to his computer. Problem seems to have been resolved.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013