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    Uninstalling old Aleph instance on server where new instance has been installed

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    We recently installed ALEPH version 22 on our servers. Since we don't use the ALEPH version 20 on this same server anymore, I want to uninstall (remove) it. But want to be sure to clean up the system correctly -- and don't want to disturb the ALEPH version 22 currently running on the same server.

    If the version 20 instance is still running, you should perform aleph_shutdown, and shut down the v20 apache and oracle as well.

    Then do the following commands to confirm that all the version 20 processes are stopped:

    > ps -ef | grep a20
    > ps -ef | grep u20

    It is possible that your version 22 contains references to v20 files -- which will become apparent only when the v20 files are removed. One area in which this is sometimes the case is the ./www_f_eng files. We suggest that you do the following commands to check:

    > wf
    > global_grep a20
    > global_grep u20

    We suggest that you move the v20 directories to somewhere else on disk (or to tape), so that any files which are later revealed to be necessary will be retrievable. This move can be done, for example, with the following commands:

    > cd /exlibris/aleph
    > mv a20_1 (or mv a20_2 )
    > mv u20_1 (or mv u20_2 )

    Once it is clear that there are no such dependencies, the v20 files can be entirely deleted. In the case of the Aleph files, this can be done with the following commands:

    > cd /exlibris/aleph
    > rm -fr
    > rm -fr

    In the case of the Oracle tables, have your DBA remove the v20 Oracle database.

    If there is no DBA, contact Ex Libris Support. (There are suggestions in this Article's Internal Notes which are viewable only by Ex Libris staff.)


    Note:  the above procedure should not require any downtime of the Aleph 22 instance.


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013