Updating local patron: "Unable to go to position: 0 in UserLocalExpand"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 17.01
When updating a particular patron record and changing information in the "Local Patron Information" section the site is getting the following error message:
"Unable to go to position: 0 in UserLocalExpand"
This is happening on the ABC50 library. This only happening on two patron records.
Steps to recreate:
1) Login to ALEPH Circ. on the Omega server and the ABC50 Library
2) Pull patron 22146000083043
3) Go to the "Local Patron Information"
4) Update the "Patron Type", or any of the fields
5) Press the "Update" button
Then you will see the error message.
For the problem of not being able to update some Local User records, this is probably due to a discrepancy in the Z305 record dates. It seems that the system find a problem because the Z305_UPDATE_DATE has a lower value (earlier date) then the Z305_OPEN_DATE.
Here is the SQL that shows the dates:
SQL-UTS50> select Z305_OPEN_DATE, Z305_UPDATE_DATE from z305 where Z305_REC_KEY like 'UTS000004860%';
**** Hit return to continue ****
-------------- ----------------
20021102 19970917
20021102 19970917
2 rows selected.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013