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    Upgrade Express: table z01 doesn't exist in pwd00 [or pwd50]

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We see the following error messages in the Upgrade Express main log:

    2010-04-28 10:13:28 Step 1000 - FAILURE
    2010-04-28 10:23:07 Step 1001 - FAILURE
    2010-04-28 10:23:13 Step 1003 - FAILURE
    2010-04-28 10:23:47 Step 1004 - FAILURE
    2010-04-28 10:23:55 Step 1006 - FAILURE
    2010-04-28 10:23:58 Step 1007 - FAILURE

    And these in the logs of the individual steps:

    Step 1000. A_WARNING: The table z01 doesn't exist in pwd00.
    Step 1003. A_WARNING: The table z309 doesn't exist in pwd00.
    Step 1004. A_WARNING: The table z31 doesn't exist in pwd00.
    Step 1006. A_WARNING: The table z37 doesn't exist in pwd00.
    Step 1007. A_WARNING: The table z37h doesn't exist in pwd00.
    Step 1015. A_WARNING: The table z305 doesn't exist in pwd00
    Step 1017. A_WARNING: The table z68 doesn't exist in PWD00
    A_WARNING: cannot run the SQL:
    Z70_REC_KEY from PWD00.z70

    [Note: The same messages can occur for pwd50.]

    These messages are occurring because pwd00 tab100 has DOC-TYPE-ADM=Y. (Since pwd00 is only a pw_library, it should have "N" as the value for *all* of the DOC-TYPE-xxx parameters.)

    You can ignore these messages, but in any case you should change this to DOC-TYPE-ADM=N.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013