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    Upgrade Express 20-22 error: "The old table z31 description does not match ..."

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 22

    Problem Symptoms:
    In upgrading from v20 - v22, upgrade_express_20_21 gives the error:

    A_ERROR: The old table z31 description does not match the expected description.

    for the Z31_DESCRIPTION and Z31_KEY columns.

    upgrade_express_20_21 expects the v20 input columns to look like this:

    Z31_KEY CHAR(100)

    Instead, they looked like this:

    Z31_KEY VARCHAR2(100)

    Apparently a 18->19 or 19->20 upgrade step to change these columns did not occur -- but seems to have not prevented successful use of the z31 table in v20.

    1. Do the following (in v20) to put the columns in the form that upgrade_express_20_21 expects:

    alter table z31 modify Z31_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(300);
    alter table z31 modify Z31_KEY CHAR(100);

    2. Re-run the upgrade_express_2101_2201 export and import steps.
    3. Re-run the upgrade_express_2001_2101 upgrade steps ("3. Upgrade express")

    Additional Information

    If the Z31_DESCRIPTION and Z31_KEY are *already* in the expected form in v20, then consult Article 000003163 (Upgrade Express 18-19: "...z31 description does not match ...") for Z31_KEY)

    Category: Oracle (500)

    • Article last edited: 9/17/2014