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    Use of base as suffix in $data_tab for OPAC

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    If I need a separate set of HMTL files, I simply create a new extension in tab_base.eng, and use that extension as a suffix for the new set of files in www_f_eng. I heard that the same applies to files in the tab directories.

    Assuming so, I create an HMTL file in www_f_eng with the extension of -robert, can I also create a file in e.g. ABC01/tab with a filename of edit_doc_999.eng.robert ?

    Yes -- except the suffix needs to be a base in tab_base.eng: when there's a $data_tab file which has a ".xxxxxx" suffix (where ".xxxxx" is a tab_base.eng base), the OPAC uses that file instead of the unsuffixed version.

    Another approach is the creation of a "psuedo-language". One site has "Archival", with the language code of ".arc". The use of a base as the suffix is simpler and allows you to use a suffixed version of not just the tables with .eng suffixes, but any table.

    This approach is limited to the OPAC, whereas a "pseudo-language" would let you have different screens in the GUI as well.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013