User denied permission for function 'Staff privileges
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 17.01
After upgrading, when I click on "Staff Privileges" (in the "Key pop-up" on the right-hand side of the bottom toolbar), I get the error message: "User denied permission for function 'Staff privileges (Passwords)(PASSWORD))/User list - Display (USER-LIST)" -- even though my login had PASSWORD permission in the old version and SQL SELECT in the Z67 shows that my login *does* have PASSWORD permission in the new version.
The pw_library entry in aleph_start (or aleph_start.private) needs to be UPPER case:.
setenv pw_library ABC50.
setenv pw_library abc50.
Note: the pw_library, usr_library, and z105_library setenv's need to be uppercase:.
setenv pw_library ABC50.
setenv usr_library ABC50.
setenv z105_library ABC50.
In all other setenv's in aleph_start, the library must be lowercase..
Such as:.
setenv abc50_dev ${USER_MOUNT}/u${ALEPH_VERSION}_$ALEPH_COPY.
setenv ALEPH_LIBS "$ALEPH_LIBS abc01 abc30 abc50 abc60".
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013