Using Call Numbers with Comma in p_ret_01
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
When running ret-01 with the following info:
setenv p_code "090##"
setenv p_sub_code "a"
setenv p_text_from "509"
setenv p_text_to "511.3"
many documents that are outside of this range are selected.
Why does this happen?
In tab01.lng column 3 is empty:
D 090 00 0000 090 LLocal LC Type Call no.
! Filing procedure;
! Filing procedure (default is 99). Used when building the
! filing key for sort keys (Z101) and for the batch
! service which sorts retrieved docs (b_ret_21). If a
! change is made in this column, the manage_27 process
! must be run in order to re-index the sort keys.;
It defaults to 99 and which has in tab_filing:
99 to_blank !"()-{}<>;:.?,/\@*%=^_`~
What happens is that 509 becomes 0000509 and 511.3 becomes 0005113
and there are many numbers between 509 and 5113…
In order to solve this, you should make the following changes in tab01.lng:
D 090 23 00 0000 090 LLocal LC Type Call no.
then, make sure you have the following in tab_filing:
23 del_subfield
23 dewey_call_no
Additional Information
ret-01, comma, parameters, tab_filing, filing 99
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013